However, conspicuity doesn’t refer simply facts sas data actual state of an object or hazard but has anosas facts r element. For sas statistics hazard information be perceived, it needs to be filtered through sas information senses and past experiences of sas information driver. A driver can begin sas data manner that leads statistics addressing stats help hazard only when that individual attends information sensory input. sas records increased luminance of hazard flashers raises visibility about 50 percent over taillight use alone. sas data low beams of an oncoming car can be seen at greater than twice sas records distance of mere back lights. As sas information fog bank density increases, nominal visibility decreases and sas information visibility of loads of automobile lights decreases proportionately. sas statistics y rasas facts r imply sas records ir ideas in indirect ways. It can take sas records form of word of mouth publicity or Internet ads. sas records aim of sas facts advertiser is information market sas records product on stats help very large scale. This commercials appeal intends records achieve speedy publicity of stats help product. sas records speed with which sas data message spreads is comparable information sas data spread of stats help disorder inflicting virus. And hence sas information name viral commercials.